Ett föredrag av Salih på engelska om hur du förskönar din karaktär.

Föredraget LIVE-sändes under Ramadan och arrangerades av Chalmers Islamiska Förening.

Information om föredraget från arrangörerna:

Knowledge is great, but how we use and apply it in our daily lives is power. The Qu’ran puts the highest emphasis on the importance of acquiring knowledge like for example in Surah Al-Baqaraa ”..and say, ”My Lord, increase me in knowledge.” [2:114]. The famous prayer of our Prophet(SAW) was: “Allah grant me knowledge of the ultimate nature of things”.

The lecturer we’ve chosen is a perfect example of someone consistent with perfecting his craft and uses his knowledge in ways that have granted him great success, none other than Salih Tufekcioglu. Salih is well known for his podcast about the Qur’an called Koranpodden where he helps broaden and deepen your knowledge of the Qur’an with interesting and captivating conversations with guests and lectures. He also delivers intellectual lectures, writing blogs as well as running websites, everything about Islam. He is also an author and is an online lecturer for the Hikma institute which he’s held +200 lectures and interviews on the Muslim faith and is the host for the yearly Quran Conference in Malmö. The list of experiences goes on and on MashAllah.

With Salih’s backpack of knowledge, we’ve chosen the topic of ”The character and deeds of a good Muslim” which will be about the best acts to do during and after Ramadan, both religious and generally being a good person because having a good character is a central part of Islam.

So mark your calendars! Don’t miss out on this great lecture and to interact which will be held via ZOOM on the 16th of may from kl. 20.20 InshAllah.

For more information please contact us. Special thanks to Salih Tufekcioglu for being able to offer his services to give this lecture InshAllah.


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